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bite back // scratch away

Wouldja like to take a survey?
2003-05-30 at 3:19 p.m.

Do you know how bored I am? Seriously? It's the first day of summer, and I'm already reduced to doing those Online Forward Survey thingies, that I absolutely hate.

And just to show how bored I am, I'm gonna fill it out on here.

Before I do, let me say: Does anybody have ANYTHING that I could do? Sign me up to help on a website, sign me up to do an RP with you, I don't care. Just... talk to me. Okay...desperate plea done, on to the stupidity.

Name: Rachel Elise (last name editted) Smit.

Do you like your name? First name, yes. Middle, not really.

nickname(s): Rach, Rebel (I wish), Ghostie online to you folks.

Age: 14

Do you wish you were older?: Nah, people think I'm old enough.

height:: 5'5-ish

Do you wish you were taller?: A little

weight: HAH.

Do you think youre fat?: uh, yeah.

Think youre too skinny?: absolutely not.

birthday: March 29th.

Do you like your birthday?: Why, can you change it?

eye color: Whatever the color of my shirt is. Normally icy blue, changes to deeper blue, teal, and then to green.

hair color: Red, all the way!

Do you like the way you look? Not really, but I'm not whining about it.

Would you change anything about your looks? Mmhmm

Hometown: Fort Worth-ish, Texas

current: Fort Worth, Texas

School Mascot: Not sure. What? New High School!

Is your school nice?: How should I know? I haven't been there yet.

Boyfriend/Girlfriend?: oh yeah, too many to cou-- no.

Do you wish you had a boyfriend/girlfriend?: I've seen how it works with people my age. I'd rather wait. (smokescreen: YES)

Favorite colors: Dark red, teal, and blue.

Where do you see yourself in ten years? Working someplace. No idea.

What is your biggest fear?: Being completely alone.

Are you afraid of spiders?: Not really. Unless they crawl on me, or bite me. Then only in the literal sense.

Do you believe in love at first sight? Nope.

Do you go to church?: most of the times

What kind of grades do you get in school?: Wish I could still say straight A's... mainly A's...with two B's so far. Ever.

Where do you shop?: I don't shop. But if I did. IF, Wizards of the Coast, and gas stations. That is my shopping realm.

Do you like to go to the mall? Very rarely

Boxers or Briefs?: Some clever answer. YAY KEVIN! (if I were a guy..boxers. But I'm not)

If you were stuck on an island, who would you wanna be stuck with?: Uhhh...uh.... uh.... I'd say James Marsters, but actually, I wouldn't wanna be STUCK on an island with him. Maybe just...take an island vacation and have him be there. Honestly, Blake. Or Scott.

What would you want on that island? Guitars. And some food.

Favorite radio stations: 102.1 The Edge

Favorite Tv stations: Comedy Central or FX, I guess. I don't really have one anymore. Not that UPN was ever a fave of mine... *grr*

Do you speak any other languages: Espanol!

Do you want to get married?: Eventually, to the right person.

Do you want to have kids? Maybe one.

Favorite cartoon character: Wacko from Animaniacs

Favorite TV show: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (where have you been?)

Are you afraid to die?: It depends how. Why, is that a threat?

What's your screen name(s)?: LilRedRebeller

Do you live at home?: Yep, I'm only 14!

Do you like where you live?: Sometimes.

Do you smoke?: No

Do you have a tattoo?: nope

Do you have anything pierced?: ears, that's it.

What CD is in your CD player right now?: Ah, Ghost of the Robot. And the Buffy soundtrack. And a compilation CD. I have a three-disk thing.

Favorite restaurant: Zio's Italian, or that one that we went to in DC...where all of my friends and I hung out... I think I'm gonna cry again.

What do you want to be when you grow up?: Something to do with music, a writer, or a doctor, or something to do with computers. Don'tcha love how made up my mind is?

Have you ever been on TV?: I hope not!

Favorite candy: Reeses Anything... or Junior Mints. Ooh, I take that all back. Buttered Popcorn Jelly Bellies! WHOO!


best friend? Blake W., Scott H., Linz, *shrug*

Worst enemy? I don't think I have one... but if I did... I'd want it to be BG. hehe.

Job? I wish.


Parents? Both are at home.

siblings? Nah. None at all. Oh shut up. She's not my sister. She's NOT! She just...comes in, eats our food, and won't shut up. So what if she sleeps here and looks an awful lot like me? Stop looking at me like that.

Who do you spend the most time with? Myself. Or Blake.

Who haven't you seen in a long time? Ethan Rayne... oh, uh, in real life? Nobody in particular... COUlinzGH. Just kidding, nobody really.

Most willing to talk or to listen? I'm a listener from way back.


Music? Rock. Anything...rock.

Band/singer? Whoo... Evanescence, Nickelback, Train, Our Lady Peace, Nerf Herder, Ghost of the Robot (yeah yeah, shut up), Third and Main *shameless plug*, THE CALLING, Relient K, K's Choice... the list goes on.

Movie? Rat Race, Can't Hardly Wait, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (it wasn't THAT bad!), Josie and the Coochiecats *wink*, Holes, Signs, A Knight's Tale, 10 Things I Hate About You, the Patriot... but I love many more, despite what my dad might try and tell you.

Actor? James Marsters? hee. Mel Gibson, Heath Ledger, SETH GREEN, Danny Strong, Tom Lenk... yeesh.

Actress? Alyson Hannigan, Sandra Bullock, Melissa Joan Hart (GO YEARBOOK GIRL!)

Food? Mashed potatoes.

Alcholic Drink? I'm too young to drink! pah! Boulini Never would I drink!

Flower? Hate flowers.

Shirt? "I'm like a superhero with no powers or motivation". Go ahead. Ask me why.

Sport to watch? Tag-Team Slaying.

Sport to do? Nothing. Whaddaya mean that's not a sport? Dangit.

EITHER OR (must choose at least one)

Eh/huh?: huh?

Love/lust?: love

ocean/pool?: pool

Coke/that other soft drink?: Coke

Work/play?: Depends on the work... play.

Morning/ night?: NIGHT

Summer/winter?: Winter!!

Bed/ couch?: Futon! It's BOTH! I beat the system! Muwahaha.

Silence/noise?: Silence

Music/tv?: Um... MTV! There, I did it again. It depends on my mood.

Juice/water? Juice...

Barefoot/sandals (outside)? sandals

Barefoot/sandals (inside)? barefoot


Ever been in love? I love, but I don't think I've been in love.

Are you in love now? no.

Single? I'm certainly not married.

Do you have a secret crush? Nah.

Does someone have a secret crush on you? You do know the meaning of the word, right?

Gone out with someone and regretted it? Nope. Now ask me if I've ever gone out with someone period.

Ever been dumped by letter? No...

Perfect date? Date? you are completely off your bird.

Where do you find yourself in 5 years? Hmm... five years before I find myself in ten years.

Who was the last person you kissed? Cardboard Spike... no, not really. My parents? LOL

who do you like? *rolls eyes* Nobody. Honest.

Are you a virgin? Yep.

Do you hump on the first date? Um... no. Obviously not.


Who's with you? Nobody. Steph is in the front room.

Whats on the tv? She's probably watching PBS Kids.

What time is it? 3:50 PM

Eating anything? Nope.

Are you tired?: Kinda

What are you wearing? My starry pajamas.

Showered today? No...just woke up.

What did you eat today? Food.

Well, that was thrilling.


Quote: "Wouldja like to take a survey?" -Those Wacky Ladies on Animaniacs.

0 bloodsucking fiends have nibbled.

bite back // scratch away

Nerf Herder
Scissor Sisters
John Mayer
Mars Volta
