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bite back // scratch away

I promised myself....
2003-05-29 at 10:40 p.m.

*sniff* *waves hands at nose* *squeaks* I promised myself I wasn't gonna CRY!



It's over.



I don't know when I'll see my friends again. I don't know where their lives will end up. I don't know jack.

But that's okay. Because we didn't have any Jacks in our class.

For 7 years, I have been near these people. These kids have been in my life for SEVEN years. Seven years...and everything I've known and loved, and even hated part of the time...it's all gone.

Sounds like something else I know.

No matter. I spent seven years of my life with these guys. And it's finally paid off.

Saying goodbye to these people hurt. A lot. But I wasn't really expecting it to. I spent the entire time at that school trying as hard as I could to fit in, to be a part of their lives, to be something other than "That Smart Girl". To be their friend.

And by george...I'm there.

I was included in pictures from the start. I was talked to, I had a SEAT at the table. (Last year's debacle involved my best friend, supposedly, not only leaving me alone at a table, but squeezing in to the group that I wanted desperately to be in. Not a good mix)

It was a good Awards Ceremony. As usual...I seemed to win every award that was conceivable, including a Presidential Award.

And all hell broke loose after.

After the awards, I stood up, took a gulp of air, and went to the "Goodbyes".

I went to David, and got a hug. I love Davey, aka Oz, Ozzy, or OzFest. But I had other missions in mind. I went to Mal, got a hug from him too, saying goodbye. Then was Blake.

God, Blake. I said goodbye to him, and he started by blowing it off, goin "Ah man, I'll see you around," and then we stood there like idiots. So I stuck my hand out, and he shook it. Then jerked me forward and hugged me, burying his face in my shoulder. He sat there for a moment or two, and then sniffed really hard. He pulled back with his quirky grin and said, "Ah, sorry, my nose is stuffy."

I said goodbye to his date that night, Sammi, and then turned. Scott.

I walked up, smiled, and said my goodbyes. Again, we stood there like idiots. I stuck my hand forward again. (Now, Linz, before you whap me, each time I was going to talk them into a hug, honest. I just started with a shake, and they took over)

Scott smiled at me and said, "Aw, gimme a hug." spreading his arms wide open grinning. I rushed into those arms like there was no tomorrow. Seriously. I hugged him, he hugged me, and when we let go, I told him that I didn't know when I'd see him again. Probably tomorrow. With that, he gave me a *rock on* and a "Dude, you have to come!" So, I probably will. Kinda detracts from the whole "I'll never see you again" sobfest, but... hey.

I was then bombarded with teary-eyed Seventh Graders, all standing in line for hugs. And I think they actually wanted them from me. Ashley was choked up, and when she got to me she just went, "Racheeeel" and hugged me. I love Ashley... she cracks me up, and is one of the sweetest people I've met.

And there was Tiffany, Courtney, Ashton, Amber, Rachel... all of them... it's crazy. Said goodbye to tons of people...and I got a hug from Joey, Skinner, Shawn (hee, gotta love Shawn), and Jason. And I'm so happy.

In honor of my friends...I'm going to list off my thanks.

1. Blake- I know we've been through a lot. But you've earned to be first, dude. You've been there with me, through thick and thin, mostly thin, but that's okay. I love you, and I'll never forget late night phone calls about absolutely nothing, listening to the radio together, and our game-dates where we did nothing all day long. Thanks for being my number one buddy. I'm still planning to buy a BMW when I get rich and famous...just to honor you.

2. David-I know we're not the best of friends. I know that we don't talk a lot, but I care about you. And we have become at least mutual friends. And I thank God for your ability to make me feel cool, even when I'm a complete nerd. You love with a loyal heart, and I love you to death. Rock on, little drummer boy, rock on.

3. The inevitable, Scott H.- Buddy, we never talked before this year. We knew each other, sure, but were never close. And this year, whether you meant to or not, I felt like you opened up to me. And let me do the same. You listened, and you cared. And I thank you for letting me in to be one of your close friends. You made my last year the happiest. I wish you much luck and success in your career. "Keep punk rockin!"

4. Mal- I knew you from church before you came to Glenview. And immediately you seemed to like talking to me. We shared a lot of the same interests...and thanks for being a buddy of mine, and a good one at that. Love your goofy smile.

That's my guys. I've burst into tears typing this enough...despite my promise to myself.

I didn't cry once at the Banquet. I couldn't. Because if I started, I'd never stop. Not while I was there.

But I need to say this: Glenview has been, whether I wanted it to be or not, a major role in my life. I'll never forget the WONDERFUL teachers I had (Ms. Human, Mrs. Watt, Mrs. Ballog...I love them so much...some of the only adults who looked at me as a fellow adult, someone capable of understanding what they're talking about. I'll never forget them...)

And I'll never forget the closeness we all shared as a class.

So here's to you, Glenview.


God I hate that place.


Song: Goodbye To You-Michelle Branch (Okay, who didn't see that coming?)


"Safe to say school's out for the bloody summer!" -Spike

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bite back // scratch away

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