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bite back // scratch away

I feel pretty, oh so pretty...
2003-05-13 at 8:22 p.m.

So, last night I went to the huge Q&A-fest, with Iyari, George, Mark, and Danny and Tom (together). I loved half of that set.

I�ve heard elsewhere that Iyari is supposedly an awesome person, but� I really just don�t like her that much. She seems like she�d be cool to hang with, if you liked her, but� I just don�t. It�s not just �cause I�m a biased Kennedy-hating Tara fan, or anybody fan, either way I�d hate Kennedy. Iyari herself just�rubs me the wrong way. That and I think that if given the chance, she actually WOULD rub me the wrong way.

Yeah, I think she�s kinda gay. And it was a little weird. Perhaps bi, because when asked who the better kisser was, Warren or Willow, she discussed them both happily, but seemed oddly excited about kissing Aly. (Shrugs)

George. Frickin� cracks me UP. He�s hilarious! And he�s such a cutie! I mean, I honestly thought he was going to be lame, or an egotistical jerk, but no. COMPLETE opposite. He even gave me his club soda, and then a hug, and then he signed my photo �Rachel, with love and blessings�. I mean, yeah, he might sign �em all like that, but� it was just the talking before he signed that proved he not only remembered me, that he was completely social. He�s from Houston! And he�s getting married one month from yesterday in Dallas� he turned us down when we asked if we could go� but ya know.


I also got all of their autographs�and if you�ll excuse me, I�m going to be jumping around from topic to topic, due to the fact that right now my brain is all a-wacky and I feel like jumping up and down. You�ll see why in a moment.

Mark Metcalf was kinda boring on stage. I mean, he was funny, but I think he did a wee too many drugs back in his Animal House days, because� he was a leeetle off. But no matter, he wasn�t rude or anything, and when he signed our stuff he was kind enough. Gosh he�s old.

Yesterday I also got an autograph from Tom. Cutest little thing, but he�s entirely shy. It�s cute, but it makes me feel bad, because I feel like I�m freaking him out by simply saying �Hi� to him. He�s really kinda antisocial, but he�s cute. Mom tried to get the ending out of him, and he just went, �I dunnoooooo� (completely Andrew-speak, too), and I went, �Um�yeah you do.� And he went, �Well, yeah, okay, but I�m not telling�. That was cute.

He signed my photo �To Rachel, with love, Tom Lenk�. Interesting sidenote: He signed that girl�s, who got him up there to sing Summer Nights with her, photo �To Jennifer, I�ll always rember those Summer Nights, Tom Lenk� yes, he did spell it �rember�. But still, awwww factor!

He signed my and mom�s booklets: �To Rachel/Christi (heart) Tom Lenk�. When he got to dad�s, he wrote: �To Jeff,� paused for a moment, �Buffy Rules! Tom Lenk�. Now, that was particularly funny because he got a lot of chicks asking for autographs, and he didn�t have much for the guy�s.

When we got to Danny (awww), he signed our photos, then we handed him the booklets, and he signed my booklet� now, what was neat about this is that he wasn�t supposed to personalize the autographs, and to be fair, he didn�t on the glossy photos of himself, but in the booklets� oh yeah. Rebel, Danny�rebel. Anyway, he got to dad�s and looked at what Tom wrote.

Danny: Buffy Rules?? How long did it take him to think of that? (looks like he�s hurting himself as he thinks) �ummmm�Buffy�s awesome, no, can�t use that�Buffy rocks, no no�Buffy rules! Yeah!�

They played the bitterness extremely well, and it was hilarious. One lady handed Tom a pic of Danny to sign, �I�m not a murderer!� And when she gave it to Danny he glared and wrote, �Yes you are� on it. They�re so adorable together.

Ahhh�. That was nice. That was all yesterday, and� yeah, it was great. I�d write out more of the Q&A�s, and I promise to do so when I get home, but right now? I�m completely way too entrenched in MY experiences than that. So�here.

Today was our James Day, pretty much. We started by going and getting in line for the James photo op. We hung out with people for two hours or so, and just chilled, or got really antsy if you were some of the people around me. I myself, I�m proud to say, remained calm and collected throughout this entire experience.

We were finally allowed inside, and we had to wait through a couple other sets of people, then finally, it was my/our turn. I walked up, and got a firm handshake and a �hello� and yeah, it was awkward for one moment, but I got okay once I saw his eyes.

Holy crap. Everything you�ve ever read about him, his personality, believe it. But most of all, believe me when I say how blue his eyes are. They twinkled so amazingly, and it was just�this sense of happiness to see YOU, it just flooded out of them. His handshake, everything about him just made me go (phew). I mean, I was calm, but still a little awkward.

We got into position, me sitting next to James (hee), and while the camera guy was setting up, he looked over to me, looked down for a second, then back up at me, smiling, and said, �Love that shirt!� and then we had to pose. Which, wow. He liked my shirt? How cool is that? If you�re curious, it�s my �I�m like a superhero with no powers or motivation� shirt. God I love this shirt.

Well, unlike everyone else, the camera did NOT have a flash problem, so ours went off on the first try (aww), and we stood up. Remaining true to myself, I took a gulp, and looked James in the eye and asked. �Can I have a hug?�

With the sexiest voice of all time, he said, �Sure, baby� and spread his arms wide, hugging me tight. And it wasn�t a �Lean over slightly and just touch arms� hug, no�this was a close hug. And my GOD. I cannot stress how amazing James is. I really can�t. He complimented dad�s coat, and mom asked for a hug too. So did dad. I think he might have really grabbed Danny�s butt. Ah well.

We left, me floating out, and made our way to the next line, James autographs. I think we waited for about two hours for the photo ops to finish. We were worried about this scheduling overlap, seeing as our Tom Lenk photo op was coming up, and it was going to end possibly before we could get through with James.

We finally got through, after what seemed like For. Ev. Er. And entered the room with Jaaaames. Hee. I�m not excited about this, nope nope.

Aaaaanyway, people were not following the �no talking to him� rule, because hey, it�s James. We paid good money to come and meet him, and we are sure as heck NOT passing up a chance just because the people behind us are suffering. We waited too. Get over it. Of course, we also had Gold Passes and were in Group A�. it was so difficult being us. (weg).

Anywho, we got to James, and I got to go first. He shook my hand, then said, �nice to see you again.�

OH MY GOD! He frickin� remembered me? It�d been�2-3 hours, and he�d seen 750 people�and he remembered ME. I even said that in shock, and he gave me this �duh� look and said, �You�re the one with the awesome t-shirt!� Then looked down, read it again while he shook his head giggling, �No powers or motivation�hee�. He signed our stuff, sadly not personalized, but ya know�it�d be difficult. And I remember what he said, so it�s okay. Really. I�m totally cool.

Oh, and we missed Tom Lenk. We got downstairs, and he had JUST left the room. Literally. We saw him walking away, and looked on sadly. Oh well.

I can�t believe I got a hug from James. I really can�t. Much less that he remembered me. But I asked for a hug. And On. My. Own. You don�t know how huge a step that is for me. I�ve totally stepped out of my �Comfort Zone� this weekend. And I�m completely cool with it.

I�ve asked all the stars questions, I�ve asked for hugs, close physical contact with celebrities, and I�ve asked for it. And I�ve stood up to a mic and asked them questions. And by the time I was done�I didn�t feel nervous at all. I asked my question, because in all honesty, James is just a person. And I�ll always remember his ability to relate to people. His piercing eyes were simply cheery, his smile always friendly, and his hand was always extended.

If I forget everything about this convention, I�ll always remember the way James made me feel beautiful.

And for that I thank him.


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bite back // scratch away

Nerf Herder
Scissor Sisters
John Mayer
Mars Volta
