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bite back // scratch away

Want. Take. Have.
2003-04-12 at 8:58 p.m.

I got to thinking today...yes, it hurt, but... I'm doing this entirely too much.

I find myself thinking a lot...and, here's what I came up with today:

My generation has sold out.

Just looking around, I've realized that nothing I like, or stand for now, will be around in a year or two.

This generation is moving so quickly, that everything we build our reputations and lives around, is pretty much the trailer park area of generations.

Way back when, people knew one way of life, and it was improved for the next generation, and updated slightly, but that generation only knew that version.

As time goes on, we get more and more fast-paced. And now our foundation is nothing more than a flimsy waterbed.

Look back a generation or two. Just judging by music, think about it. Our bands put out one CD, maybe have one tour if they're lucky, and they're gone. Never heard from again.

Mostly, they could be lazy. Our generation is VERY lazy, but... if you think about what our parents and grandparents had...

We will NEVER have any Beatles or U2s. Never. The closest thing we have is Coldplay, and they barely appeal to people my age.

It's hard to really understand, but twenty years from now, what will we have? People will ask "Blink 18what? What's a Puddle of Mudd?" And we'll be destroyed.

It's no wonder we're not taken seriously. Teens now... we have nothing that will last for another two years, if you think about it.

The closest thing we have to a consistent music act is Eminem, and he just won't go away. But he's not something I want to be able to tell my kids about.

Think about where you'll be twenty years from now. Now think about how many things have changed in the short amount of time you've been here (If you're my age or nearby). How can we have anything to base our lives on, when everything we know is shifting constantly?

The lives of those around me are nothing more than a jumbled mix of what is "in" and what's "out". What's new is good, what's old is forgotten. With lives like this, how will be able to cherish anything? When we're presented with something great: A relationship, a nice career, something major in life; It's quite possible that our response will be to be thrilled with it for a bit, but suddenly we'll grow bored.

We, including me, are always bored. Something must be new and hip to entertain us. And we need it constantly. Our impatience in an instantly gratified world is only pushing things to the extreme.

Teens boost what doesn't matter in the economy. We see something we like, and we buy it. No thought as to whether or not we'll like it in a week, we see it, we buy it, we have it.

With a life like this...how can anything good and prosperous come? Seriously?

We will be bored with jobs, bored with any education we're receiving, and more importantly, bored with relationships.

Relationships now are meant to last only about two weeks. When they go longer, it suddenly becomes serious and stressful on those involved. Why? I don't know. It just does.

I'm only complaining about this, because I can see where this is leading! It's going to lead to a pit of unhappiness, where we have everything we want, but suddenly, we want more. And then, now that everyone has become self-sufficient and suppliant, we'll want companionship.

We'll want it, but nothing will be available, because we won't know how to function outside of wants and haves, and our relationships will suffer terribly because of it.

All this just doesn't make sense. I can't stand the fact that I'll have nothing to hold onto. Nothing that will be worth telling my kids and grandkids about.

Nobody will remember anything that happened, except maybe nation-wide crises, but how much fun is that going to be to tell?

"Yeah, I remember...I was sitting on my butt in school, wishing I was somewhere else, when we heard the news. Something about huge towers falling...I don't remember. It didn't really have anything to do with me, so I didn't listen much. Made all the adults freak out though."

That's so what most of us were thinking. I mean, yeah, it hurt our country, but if it doesn't mess with us personally, we shouldn't care, right?

I'm sorry that I had to rant all this out. There IS not conclusion. Things are just getting worse, and I'm desperately searching for a stable place right now, but there's nothing.

I can keep up with a fast-paced world. I'm smart, I can type, and use a computer pretty dang well, and I can adjust. But I don't want to have to.

I want people to just slow down. Please? Before we go so fast that we start going backwards? Anybody seen the Time Machine? Know where we'll end up?

Living in caves with an archaic language. Ok, so that's not exact fact, but we're getting simpler as we get so many machines to do all our thinking for us. We're going to allow the machines to outsmart us to the point where we suddenly cannot use them anymore, and it's quite possible our civilization will fall into utter chaos because of it. Argh.

I gotta stop... I can't continue. It's too late. I COULD, but I'm done.



"It's as easy as this, B: Want. Take. Have."


0 bloodsucking fiends have nibbled.

bite back // scratch away

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