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bite back // scratch away

I wouldn't be forced to wear makeup either.
2004-12-29 at 9:24 p.m.

Does anybody else type better when they have headphones on? I type WAY better when I do. The creative juices flow better, and plus, I can feel the keys without really hearing the clickety-clack, and I think if you tested me, I would have a better accuracy rate when I'm listening to music with headphones.

I'm odd, nice to meet you.

I finished another book a couple days ago, and now I'm halfway through The Picture of Dorian Gray, and I swear to God, I love Oscar Wilde. I wish he wasn't dead and gay. Why?

Because, my friends, I have a full-on mental crush on Oscar Wilde. He had issues and was screwed up, I know, but man. I'm in mental-lust.

It's kind of the only one I have, because while I love Dickens, I don't quite mental-crush him. I heart him, though. Totally. *sigh*

I need to read more Wilde. Dorian Gray is like, way up there on my favorites though, and now I get to actually finish it!

Okay, I'll stop gushing about books now. I'm a bibliophile. Shut up.

Okay, no I won't. Are there any Fat Girls out there? Well, if there are, you totally need to get The Fat Girl's Guide to Life by Wendy Shankar. Totally.

She's SO funny, and she's a Fat feminist, and...wow. She makes me happy. And the first quote that introduced the whole entire book?

Totally Buffy. TOTALLY. And I didn't even know that before I checked it out from the library. *happy sigh*

Anyway, off the books: I've been having weird dreams lately. Really, really weird dreams.

They're kind of nightmares, but they really aren't. They should be, I think, but they kind of feed my mind creative ideas, which leads me to an interesting question:

Is it cheating to write a story about something I dreamed? I mean, I wouldn't think so, but there's also the risk that I only dreamed it because I saw it somewhere else, so... hm. Interesting. I hope my mind doesn't have its own Copyright information.

So, the world is ending. The tsunami over in Asia has taken, at current count, over 100 thousand, right? And I mean, we aren't even sure about that figure, and it just KEEPS GOING UP.

But Jet Li and some supermodel are okay, so the world will survive. Right?


And the effects of the tsunami, literally, shook the world. We're kind of off-course, and we're smaller now.

Personally, I think the globe is just going on a diet. We've convinced ourselves we're all so fat, that even the earth has answered in self-consciousness.

Death notwithstanding, it did lose an inch around its waist. How many must die before we realize it's not worth it, people?

Speaking of things that make you fat, Stephanie fried her computer. Like, deep-fried. Like, Kentucky Fried Chicken slathered in butter and grease and tossed back into the deep-fry thingy.

Ew. I just squicked myself out.

But yeah. Dad tried to uninstall some adware on it, and, well, those familiar with Strong Bad should view this video to get a general idea of the response.

The thing doesn't even recognize that it has ANYTHING on it anymore. Not Windows, not a virus, not nothing. The system, she is down.

Tori Amos makes me incredibly happy, which is counter-intuitive, because she's really kind of depressing, but never you mind.

She's just really cool, and her music is beautiful. And kind of creepy, which I also enjoy.

Okay! Enough of her. I need some boppy dance music. Scissor Sisters comin' right up and out!

They are absolutely ridiculous. Like, totally. TOTALLY.

And, also, absolutely fabulous. I like his voice. I do. Shut up!

Okay, I suppose I've typed enough for tonight. If you'll notice, I haven't tackled any politics for a while.

Maybe it's because I don't want the fight to keep going between me and my Caesar, but I think the real reason is that there isn't much to talk about. Sure, there are things I could talk about, but there's nothing original that isn't being talked to death on both ends of the spectrum.

So, whatever. If something absolutely enraging happens... then maybe I'll talk.

OH! I just thought of something. Here we go:

Okay, have you all heard about the woman who was fired from her job in Las Vegas as a bartender (she worked there 20 years) because she wouldn't wear makeup?

The management just recently changed their policy, deciding that the chicks there needed to wear makeup, part of some Beautifying Project they went on about. The girl took it to court, but it was ruled as NOT DISCRIMINATION, never mind the fact that it's only the women who have to change their appearance.

When she appealed, the second court also ruled it as non-discriminatory, because the gender-specific rules that they use to judge appearance are not discriminatory.

No, of course not. It's not discrimination to say that one sex has to wear eyeshadow and lipstick and base and blush and blah blah while the other, manlier side doesn't. Just because one group is a group of women, and the other is a group of men.

No, that's not making a distinction based on a category rather than individual merit. Not. At. All.

And it was new rule. So, I mean, if she's been working there for 20 years, obviously there wasn't much trouble with her that would call for her being fired.

Heck, maybe they instituted that new rule to get rid of her.

I don't know. That just kind of made me want to slap somebody.

Okay, I go back to my mental-lover now. His book is calling to me. Which is kind of weird, but it's true.



0 bloodsucking fiends have nibbled.

bite back // scratch away

Nerf Herder
Scissor Sisters
John Mayer
Mars Volta
