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bite back // scratch away

Idiot. Idiots. Idioi.
2003-05-03 at 8:41 p.m.

You know that sick feeling you get in the pit of your stomach that lets you KNOW that something bad is about to happen?

Well that's me. Only without anything bad happening. Well, then again, being sick IS a bad thing to happen, so... crap. I just confused myself.

*rubs head sorely* Aaaanyway, I just saw Two Weeks Notice. Most romantic comedies are, well...annoying to me to say the least. But this had Hugh Grant and Sandra Bullock in it, so it was bearable for a while.

I just don't get all torn up at some romanticism anymore. At least, most of the time. Werewolf Days don't count. Really. Then, those movies and tragic TV are like...Diet Coke to me. I can't get enough of those precious tears those stupid directors can manipulate out of me.

This is why sometimes I try to stay away from TV whilst I crave crying. Because I hate that I like it.

Did that make any sense? I hope not. But if it did, explain it to me.

Hmmm... I'm beginning to see a trend with many many MANY Diaryland users. And it's not a good trend.

Perhaps I'm just a huge egotistical jerk, which...I highly doubt I am, but there's a possibility, so here goes. Let me know if you think I am, so then I can promptly say, "Bite me." On second thought, you probably shouldn't bother.

Anyway, the situations that make me think I must think too highly of myself occur frequently here on this great big ol' internet.

I can't stand people who can't type. Unless they are either A: in a band I like that I happen to be IMing, and aren't THAT bad anyway, or B: cool people where it isn't THAT bad too.

Uncapitalization, I can handle. i's and I's don't make much difference to me.

Not capitalizing names, I can also handle. michelle branch and Michelle Branch are easily read, and I get what they're saying, but really folks, it's easier to pick out names and dates and stuff if it's capitalized, isn't it?

Typos? Lord knows typoization is a major flaw of mine, but thank God that I know how to use the backspace. Most of the time. Okay, some of the time. If it's made fun of.

But if every other word is misspelled, I start to get testy.

Also, "Internet Speak": I must admit I indulge in a bit of it. Such as brb, afk, and g2g. But only when mom is pushing me to hurry and get off the computer before I get my butt kicked and/or I get grounded. Those I don't mind much.

But using numbers for letters, shortening everything you say into OMG and IMO... it's crazy.

A few choice words set me off like crazy...:

Sry-Does it really take too long to type "sorry"?

Kewl-It doesn't look better. It's not even SHORTER. In fact, it's harder to type than "cool". And it sounds STUPID if you say it out loud! Try it sometime!

Ne-A. N. Y. Is it really that hard to type?

There's more, but I'm lacking my source of such frustration COU Monica GH, and so I can't really remember any more of them.

I know where it comes from. I used to be 'Netspeak Girl. Seriously. It made things easier...and dumbed me down considerably before I realized that there is a whole world out there, wherein people with brains can type out complete sentences, and know words longer than email.

Yes! It really exists.

Anyway, on with my rant.

No spaces between paragraphs. Aka, "One HUGE frickin' paragraph that I must follow with my finger so that I don't lose my place until I get so fed up with getting lost that I just decide it isn't worth reading anyway". I care. Very much.

No punctuation. Bugs the...EVERYTHING out of me. I can't stand not knowing where one sentence ends and another begins. Okay, yeah, a missed comma, not that big a deal.

Your whole entry being one huge run-on sentence? YES. BIG deal. Also, this problem seems to be most commonly associated with One-Paragraph-itis.

If you're lazy...why bother having an online diary anyway?

Now, most people that I've most likely brassed off with this entry are probably saying to me, "Why do YOU bother getting on the internet?"

Yes, heaven forbid you change. I normally can keep my mouth shut about said issues, and simply move on to somebody who has a grasp of the English language.

But really, there's absolutely no reason for me, one of the few intelligent people left on the internet, to leave because illiterate idiots are attempting to take over. That's just silly.

Those of us that are left...I say we rise up. Take charge. And...do something. Come on, how hard can it really be?

*eyes the flaming mad mob of idiots standing in front of her*

Oh jesus. I completely forgot that sticker in my locker...

No, not the Badgers one, the "Beware of stupid people in large groups" one. And now I've done made 'em mad.

Oh, Lord save me, they're going to come and yell at me.

Or at least attempt to while I pull out my Idiot to English translator. Gee, I hope they don't slander me with their mistyped cursing.

I'd really hate that.

Sorry for the snark. Kinda.


P.S. Wouldn't it be hilarious if I completely made this post chock-full of typos and mistaken grammar? I thought so too. Hee. I think I made sure there was none.

0 bloodsucking fiends have nibbled.

bite back // scratch away

Nerf Herder
Scissor Sisters
John Mayer
Mars Volta
